Slide Deck


This code briefly showcases the use of the mxfda package, an R package for performing functional data analysis on spatial summary functions from single-cell spatial proteomics data.

Install mxfda package from GitHub:

#install devtools if not available
if (!require("devtools", quietly = TRUE))

#install from github

First we load libraries used in this tutorial.


Next we load multiplex imaging data. This is a segmented and phenotyped multiplex immunoflurescence dataset of tumor microarray images of high grade serous ovarian cancer, used in this study. The full data are part of the VectraPolarisData package.

# load processed ovarian cancer data from GitHub
ovarian_df <- ovarian_df %>%
  filter(tissue_category == "Tumor") 

## [1] 1292986      35

Generate MxFDA object

The mxfda package uses an S4 object of class mxFDA. These objects are created with the make_mxfda() function.

Slots in the mxFDA object are designated as follows:

  • Metadata - stores sample specific traits that may be used as covariates when fitting models
  • Spatial - a data frame of cell level information (x and y spatial coordinates, phenotype, etc.) that can be used to calculate spatial summary functions
  • subject_key - a character string for the column in the metadata that denotes the unique subject id
  • sample_key - a character string for the column in the metadata that denotes the unique sample id. Note that there may be multiple samples per subject, and this id links the metadata and spatial data for each multiplex image sample
  • univariate_summaries and bivariate_summaries - lists of spatial summary functions either imported with add_summary_function() or calculated with extract_summary_functions()
  • functional_pca - list of results from functional principle component analysis
  • functional_mpca - list of results from multilevel functional principle component analysis
  • functional_cox - list of functional cox models that have been fit
  • functional_mcox - list of functional mixed cox models that have been fit

Below, we convert the ovarian cancer data to an MxFDA object.

clinical = ovarian_df %>%
  select(sample_id, age = age_at_diagnosis, survival_time, death, stage_bin) %>%

spatial = ovarian_df %>%
  select(-age_at_diagnosis, -survival_time, -death, -stage_bin)

mxf = make_mxfda(metadata = clinical,
                         spatial = spatial,
                         subject_key = "sample_id",
                         sample_key = "sample_id")

rm(ovarian_df, clinical, spatial)

Check out the new MxFDA object:

## mxFDA Object:
##  Subjects: 128
##  Samples: 128
##  Has spatial data
##  Univariate Summaries: None
##  Bivariate Summaries: None
## FPCs not yet calculated
## MFPCs not yet calculated
## FCMs not yet calculated
## MFCMs not yet calculated
## [1] "mxFDA"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "mxfda"

Estimate spatial summary functions

You can use the mxfda package to calculate univariate and bivariate Ripley’s K and nearest neighbor G-functions, or you can input your own spatial summary functions. Below we calculate univariate Ripley’s K for immune cells in the dataset.

mxf = extract_summary_functions(mxf,
                                extract_func = extract_univariate,
                                summary_func = Kest,
                                r_vec = seq(0, 200, by = 1),
                                edge_correction = "iso",
                                markvar = "immune",
                                mark1 = "immune")

Running this code will calculate univariate Ripley’s K function for immune cells in each image, and will store these spatial summary functions in the univariate_summaries slot of the S3 mxf object. To access this slot and view the extracted summary functions, type:

## # A tibble: 25,728 × 6
##    sample_id     r sumfun    csr fundiff `immune cells`
##        <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>          <int>
##  1        68     0     0    0       0               198
##  2        68     1     0    3.14   -3.14            198
##  3        68     2     0   12.6   -12.6             198
##  4        68     3   536.  28.3   508.              198
##  5        68     4  1010.  50.3   960.              198
##  6        68     5  1446.  78.5  1368.              198
##  7        68     6  1903. 113.   1790.              198
##  8        68     7  2757. 154.   2603.              198
##  9        68     8  2946. 201.   2745.              198
## 10        68     9  3231. 254.   2976.              198
## # ℹ 25,718 more rows

The summaries are returned as a dataframe. The variable sumfun is the estimated summary function value, csr is the theoretical value under complete spatial randomness, and fundiff = sumfun-csr; in downstream analysis we will use the fundiff covariate.

Next, plot the spatial summary functions we just estimated.

plot(mxf, y = "fundiff", what = "uni k") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red", linetype = 2)

Values above the dotted red line are interpreted as having more spatial clustering among immune cells at radius \(r\) than would be expected under complete spatial randomness.


Below we run FPCA on these K-function curves, using the run_fpca() function, and store these results in the mxf object.

mxf <- run_fpca(mxf, 
                metric = "uni k", 
                r = "r", 
                value = "fundiff",
                pve = .99)

Note that the summary of this object now shows the number of functional principal components (FPCs) that have been calculated:

## mxFDA Object:
##  Subjects: 128
##  Samples: 128
##  Has spatial data
##  Univariate Summaries: Kest
##  Bivariate Summaries: None
## FPCs Calculated:
##  Kest: 3 FPCs describe 99.4% variance
## MFPCs not yet calculated
## FCMs not yet calculated
## MFCMs not yet calculated

Below we plot the first two functional principal components from our FPCA analysis of the K functions.

p1 = plot(mxf, what = 'uni k fpca', pc_choice = 1)
p2 = plot(mxf, what = 'uni k fpca', pc_choice = 2)

(p1 + p2)

The black line in each plot is the mean of the data. In these plots, the blue and red lines represent one standard deviation of the FPC added (blue) or subtracted (red) from the population mean.

Functional Cox regression

Linear functional Cox regression

mxf <- run_fcm(mxf, model_name = "fit_lfcm",
               formula = survival_time ~ age, 
               event = "death",
               metric = "uni k", 
               r = "r", 
               value = "fundiff",
               afcm = FALSE)
summary(extract_model(mxf, 'uni k', 'fit_lfcm'))
## Family: Cox PH 
## Link function: identity 
## Formula:
## survival_time ~ age + s(t_int, by = l_int * func, bs = "cr", 
##     k = 20)
## Parametric coefficients:
##     Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## age  0.01320    0.01123   1.176     0.24
## Approximate significance of smooth terms:
##                       edf Ref.df Chi.sq p-value  
## s(t_int):l_int * func   2  2.001  8.927  0.0115 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Deviance explained = 3.35%
## -REML = 357.15  Scale est. = 1         n = 128